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해마쌤 해마나라 엑기스/◑ 해마군's job English

[토익정보] 한국인이 틀리기 쉬운 영어단어-단어 A편

안녕하세요, 해마군입니다.

오늘 날씨 진짜 덥네요.
여러분은 혹시 -되다,-돼다 이거 구분하는 것 어렵지 않나요?하하.
설마 저만 그런가요?ㅠㅠ
그렇다면 조금 부끄러워 지는 걸요?하하

그런데 -되다,-돼다 처럼 은근히 사용할때 헷갈리는게 많지 않나요?
'가르치다'와 '가리키다' ,'-데'와 '-대'의 구분 등등 정말 잘못 사용하고
틀린 말이 진짜 많아요!!

이렇게 우리나라 말도 헷갈리는데! 우리의 영어도 헷갈리지 않으란 법은 없죠?
오늘은 한국인이 틀리기 쉬운 영어 단어 알파벳 A편을 소개해 드릴까 합니다!@_@

영어 단어도 결코 어려운 단어에서 실수를 하는게 아니에요!가장 외우기 쉽고
잘 알고 있는 단어들이 틀린 말로 사용된다는거 명심하세요!하하


1) 계기의 어떤 점(수치)를 가리킬 경우를 제외하곤 '수가 얼마를 넘는다'라고 할 때는 above를 쓰지 않고 over을 쓴다.

   There were above a hundred people in the crowd.(*)

   There were over a hundred people in the crowd.

   I receive over twenty letters a day.

   Don't let the temperature get above thirty degrees.

2) 우리말에 '무엇보다도'라고 해서 무조건 above all을 쓰면 안되고 '가장 중요한 것은(most importantly)'이라는 뜻을 갖는 문장에서 사용해야 한다. 종종 우리말의 '무엇보다도'는 especially가 더 어울릴 경우가 있다.

   He likes reading, above all novels.(*)

   He likes reading, especially all novels.

   Get plenty of sleep, eat lots of good food, and above all try to relax.

   There were many qualities that made him a great leader. Above all, he had charisma.

3) '다른 어떤 것(사람)보다도(more than anywhere, anything, anyone)'라는 뜻으로 사용될 때는 above all 보다 most of all, the most, by far를 쓴다.

   This year English is above all my most important subject.(*)

   This year English is by far my most important subject.

   The riot was by far the most horrific scene I'd ever witnessed.

4) above mentioned는 명사 앞에 써야지 명사 뒤에 써서 명사를 수식하지 않는다.

   I would be grateful if you would send it to the address above-mentioned.(*)

   I would be grateful if you would send it to above-mentioned address.

  2. abroad

1) abroad는 부사이기 때문에 전치사(to, in, at)을 붙이지 않는다.

   Since I was small, I've always wanted to go to abroad.(*)

   Since I was small, I've always wanted to go abroad.

   I would like to continue my studies in abroad.(*)

   I would like to continue my studies abroad.

2) abroad 앞에 전치사 from은 올 수 있다.

   She came back from abroad saying how much she had missed her home and family.


1) absent는 공식적으로 참가해야 하는 곳에 참가하지 않는 것을 말하고 miss는 그냥 모임에 참가하지 않는 것을 나타낸다.

   It's a pity that you were absent from the training session.(*)

   It's a pity that you weren't at the training session.

   It's a pity that you missed at the training session.

   Her teacher wanted to know why she'd been absent.

   I wouldn't miss Sandro's party for the world!(=I really want to go to it.)

   John won't be at the meeting. He's had to fly to Rome on business.


1) accept는 충고, 의견, 제안(advice, opinion, suggestion) 등을 받아들일 때 쓴다. 이외의 것에는 agree to를 쓰는 것이 좋다.

   The company will not accept to buy new machines.(*)

   The company will not agree to buy new machines.

   I accepted her suggestion and agreed to see the doctor that evening.

2) accept는 '목적어가 to부정사하는 것을 받아들이다'라는 식으로 쓸 수 없다. 이럴 때는 allow나 permit를 쓴다.

   The driver did not accept me to get on the bus.(*)

   The driver did not allowed me to get on the bus.

   We can't accept a motorway to be built through our town.(*)

   We can't allow a motorway to be built through our town.

   Many parents do not allow(permit) their children to watch violent  films.

   Many parents do not let their children watch violent films.

3) accept는 to부정사를 목적으로 쓰지 않는다. to부정사를 쓰려면 agree를 쓰는 것이 좋다.

   I accept to do it.(*)

   I agreed to do it.


1) 큰 사고라고 해서 big accident라고 해서는 안되고 bad, dreadful, serious, fatal accident라고 해야한다.

   Her car was involved in a big accident.(*)

   Her car was involved in a serious accident.

2) accident는 교통사고처럼 우발적인 사고를 말하고 incident는 계획성이 가미된 사고를 말한다. 종종 좋지 않은(unpleasant) 사건을 나타낸다.

   26 people have been killed in a dramatic shooting incident.

   The voting went ahead without incident.

3)  충돌하다고 할 때는 into를 쓴다. with를 쓰지 않는다.

   A car crashed with something.(*)

   A car crashed into something.


1) accomplish는 만족(satisfaction)을 주는 어떤 것을 성취하는 경우에 쓰고 이와 유사한 achieve는 계획(plan)했던 것이거나 많은 노력을 한 후에 성취한 것에 쓴다. 물론 의미가 중복되는 부분이 있어 서로 구별하기 곤란한 경우도 있다.

   To accomplish world unity, we need peace.(*)

   To achieve world unity, we need peace.

   A balanced diet is accomplished by eating many different kinds of  food.(*)

   A balanced diet is achieved by eating many different kinds of food.

   She felt that she could accomplish more through journalism.

   During his five years as President, he accomplished very little.

   The company intends to achieve all these goals within the next five  years.

   By the age of twenty, she had already achieved her ambition.

   By the end of the course, you will feel that you've really achieved  something.

7.according to

1) according to 다음에는 작가나, 이름, 그들(them) 등이 올 수 있지 자신이 me나 us는 올 수 없다. 따라서 me, us를 쓰려면 in my(our) opinion으로 써야한다.

   According to me, we should spend more money on education.(*)

   In my opinion, we should spend more money on education.


1) account를 'take into account the fact that절' 이라는 식으로 쓸 때 the fact를 생략하면 안 된다.

   We also have to take into account that the schools are overcrowded.(*)

   We also have to take into account the fact that the schools are overcrowded.

   They should take into account the fact that these archaeological treasures are extremely valuable.


1)  어떤 글을 쓸 때 기계 등이 정확할 때 쓴다. 시간이나 날짜가 정확하다고 할 때는 exact를 쓴다.

   I cannot give you the accurate date of my arrival yet.(*)

   I cannot give you the exact date of my arrival yet.

   Her novels are always historically accurate.

   These figures can't be accurate, surely.

   Are you sure the bathroom scales are accurate?

   The exact time is three minutes to seven.

   Do you remember his exact words?

   They'll be arriving next week - on Friday at three, to be exact.


1) '-에 익숙하다'고 할 때는 be(become, get, grow) accustomed to라고 써야지 그냥 accustom이라고 쓰면 안 된다. 그리고 to는 전치사이기 때문에 -ing가 와야지 동사 원형이 와서는 안 된다. 공적인 것이 아닐 때는 be(become, get, grow) used to를 써도 된다.

   I am beginning to accustom to the British way of life.(*)

   I am beginning to get accustomed to the British way of life.

   Within a few minutes, my eyes had grown accustomed to the dark.

   I am beginning to get used to the British way of life.


1) ache는 주로 동사로 쓰이거나 아니면 tooth ache, ear ache, head ache, back ache, stomach ache처럼 명사와 합쳐 쓰인다. 따라서 I had an ache in my legs. 라고 해서는 안 된다. 굳이 이런 식으로 쓰려면 ache를 쓰지 말고 pains를 쓰면 된다.

   After the run, I had an ache in my legs.(*)

   After the run, my legs were aching.

   After the run, I had pains in my legs.

   That radio of yours is giving me a headache.

   I did some weight training on Monday and my shoulders have been aching ever since.


1) 어떤 구체적인 행동일 때는 act나 behave를 혼용해서 사용해도 된다. 그러나 사람의 일반적인 행동일 때는 behave를 써야한다.

   I am interested in the way people act towards each other.(*)

   I am interested in the way people behave towards each other.

   It's time that human beings learned how to act properly, without killing each other.(*)

   It's time that human beings learned how to behave properly, without killing each other.

   You can't expect all babies to behave the same.

   From the way he behaves, anyone would think that he doesn't get  paid.

   Passengers who left the flight in Rhodes said that they had seen two men acting(behaving) very suspiciously.


1) 동사 do와 action을 같이 쓰지 않는다. do를 쓰려면 do things(something, anything)으로 쓴다.

   The actions that we do everyday are made easier by computers.(*)

   The things that we do everyday are made easier by computers.

   If someone has done a wrong action, he should be punished.(*)

   If someone has done something wrong, he should be punished.

2) 어떤 구체적인 행동이라는 뜻으로 'an(the) act of (doing) something'이라고 쓸 때는 action 안 쓰고 act를 쓴다.

   It is difficult to forgive those responsible for actions of terrorism.(*)

   It is difficult to forgive those responsible for acts of terrorism.

   Blackmail is the action of trying to obtain money from someone be threatening to expose them.(*)

   Blackmail is the act of trying to obtain money from someone be threatening to expose them.

   For some people, the very act of taling to a doctor can help them to feel better.

3) 때로는 action이 셀 수 없는 명사이므로 관사를 쓰면 안 된다. 특히 '조치를 취하다'라고 할 때는 take action처럼 무관사로 써야한다.

   Few people are aware that an urgent action is needed.(*)

   Few people are aware that urgent action is needed.

   The government should take an action to reduce the birth rate.(*)

   The government should take action to reduce the birth rate.

   There is too much talk and not enough action.

   This illegal trade will continue unless action is taken to stop it.


1) actual은 계획된 것이나, 기대되는 것, 믿어지는 것과 반대로 실제로 어떻게 되었다고 할 때 쓴다. 이에 반해 지금 발생하거나 존재하는 것(happening, existing)은 present, current를 쓴다.

   We'd like to know more about the actual crisis.(*)

   We'd like to know more about the present crisis.

   My actual job involves a lot of administration.(*)

   My present job involves a lot of administration.

   People think he is over fifty but his actual age is forty-eight.

   Although buses are supposed to run every fifteen minutes, the actual waiting time can be up to an hour.


1) '-에 대한 광고'라고 할 때는 about을 쓰지 않고 for를 쓴다.

   I have just seen your advertisement about a Chinese cook.(*)

   I have just seen your advertisement for a Chinese cook.


1) '무엇을 어디에 첨가하다'라고 할 때는 into를 쓰면 안되고 to를 써야한다.

   The other ingredients are then added into the mixture.(*)

   The other ingredients are then added to the mixture.


1) admire은 경탄하면서 보는 것을 의미하기 때문에 그냥 단순하게 본다는(look at, see) 의미로 사용해서는 안 된다.

   One hour is not long enough to admire all the exhibits.(*)

   One hour is not long enough to see all the exhibits.

   I enjoyed admiring all the old buildings.(*)

   I enjoyed looking at all the old buildings.

2) 단순히 좋아하다, 즐기다(enjoy)라는 의미로 admire을 사용하면 안 된다.

   Although it was a sad film, I admired it very much.(*)

   Although it was a sad film, I enjoyed it very much.


1) advantage는 다른 사람보다 나은 위치(a better position)에 있을 때 쓴다. 반면에 merit는 어떤 것의 좋은 점이나 강점(a good quality, a strength)을 지칭할 때 사용한다.

   Although the film has its advantages, it also has a serious flaw.(*)

   Although the film has its merits(good points), it also has a serious flaw.

2) 현재의 삶이나 상황을 개선할 어떤 이점일 때는 benefit을 쓴다.

   Television provides many advantages.(*)

   Television provides many benefits.

3) advantage가 무언가를 하는 이점이라는 뜻으로 the advantage(s)라고 쓸 때는 뒤에 of를 쓴다. 그리고 There is some(several, many) advantage라고 쓸 때는 to나 in을 쓰고 -ing를 쓴다.

   What are the advantages in studying in the United States?(*)

   What are the advantages of studying in the United States?


1) '충고하다'라는 동사의 뜻은 advice가 아니라 advise이다. advice는 명사로 충고라는 뜻이다.

   I asked my layer for her advise.(*)

   I asked my layer for her advice.

2) advice는 셀 수 없는 명사이기 때문에 an을 쓸 수 없고 a piece of를 써야한다. 물론 '여러 충고'라고 할 때는 some을 쓰면 된다.

   She gave me a good advice.(*)

   She gave me some good advice.


1) advise는 목적어로 사람을 쓰고 목적보어로는 to부정사를 쓴다. 만약에 목적어에 사람을 쓰지 않고 생략한다면 목적어 자리에 to부정사가 아니라 -ing를 써야한다.

   Nowadays many doctors advise to live in the countryside.(*)

   Nowadays many doctors advise people to live in the countryside.

2)  충고하다는 의미로 give advices라고 해서는 안 된다. advice는 셀 수 없는 명사이므로 'give an advice'라고 해야 한다. 그리고 some advice라고 해서도 한되고 a piece of advice 혹은 some advice라고 해야 한다.


1) affect는 동사이기 때문에 바로 목적어를 쓴다. 반면에 effect는 명사다. effect를 명사로 써서 '-에 대한 영향'이라고 할 때는 전치사 on을 쓴다. effect를 동사의 의미로 쓰고 싶을 때는 전치사 on을 취해 have an effect on이라고 쓴다.

   Smoking affects your health.

   Smoking has an effect on your health.

   The programme is about computers and their affect on our lives.(*)

   The programme is about computers and their effect on our lives.


1) be afraid 다음에 오는 to부정사는 어떤 것이 일어날 것 같아 걱정이 되기 때문에 어떤 것을 하기를 '꺼려할 경우'에 쓴다. 반면에 be afraid 다음에 of -ing는 어떤 일이 일어날 것 같아 '걱정할 경우'에 쓴다. 예를 들어 기차나 비행기를 놓칠 것 같아 걱정이 되는 경우에는 of -ing가 맞다. 독이든 음식은 먹기를 꺼려한다. 따라서 이 경우는 to부정사를 쓰는 것이 옳다.

   The road to the airport was very busy and we were afraid to miss the plane.(*)

   The road to the airport was very busy and we were afraid of missing the plane.

   She was afraid to eat it in case it was poisonous.

   Don't be afraid to ask for help.

   Most criminals are afraid of being caught.

   He says that he is afraid of losing his job.


1) 지금부터 측정된 ø 어느 때를 이야기할 때는 in a month's time, in three weeks' time처럼 in을 넣어 쓴다. after는 과거에 지나간 일에 대해 쓴다.

   After a week, we're going to Italy.(*)

   In a week's time we're going to Italy.

   I hope that I'll still be healthy after ten years.(*)

   I hope that I'll still be healthy in ten years time.

2) '후에'라고 말할 때는 after보다는 a month later, three months later처럼 later을 붙여쓴다.

   I promised to meet Hitomi at the exhibition a week after.(*)

   I promised to meet Hitomi at the exhibition a week later.

   I returned to Germany after two years' time.(*)

   I returned to Germany two years later.

3) 완료동사와 함께 쓸 때는 after보다는 since를 써야한다.

   After 1961 the consumption of cheese has increased each year.(*)

   Since 1961 the consumption of cheese has increased each year.

4) After가 시간을 나타내는 부사절을 이끌면 after절에는 미래를 쓰면 안되고 현재를 써야한다. (문법에 의하면 시간, 때, 조건을 나타내는 부사절에서는 미래 대신에 현재를 쓴다.

   After you will leave, we will write to you every day.(*)

   After you leave, we will write to you every day.

5) after이 부사로 쓰일 수도 있다. 부사로 쓰일 때는 soon after, not long after 등의 구문에서 쓰인다. 단독으로 쓰는 부사로 쓰려면 then이나 after that, afterwards 등의 단어를 써야 한다.

   I left college when I was 21, and got married soon after.

   We had a game of tennis, and then(after that/afterwards) we went for  a cup of coffee.

6) 한 문장에서 after와 later을 함께 써서는 안 된다.

7) 과거 이야기하고 있을 다음에라고 할 때는 정관사 the를 써서 the next day처럼 써야 하고 말하고 있는 현재 이후에라고 할 때는 정관사 the를 쓰지 않고 next day처럼 쓴다.


1) '어디에 부딪치다'라고 할 때 drive, run, walk, crash 등의 단어를 쓸 때는 into를 써야한다. against를 쓰면 안 된다.

   Trying to avoid the sheep, he drove his car against a tree.(*)

   Trying to avoid the sheep, he drove his car into a tree.


1) 몇 살이다 할 때는 'be + 나이'로 쓴다.

   I'm at the age of 22) (*)

   I'm 22 (years old).

2) '몇 살 된 아이'라고 할 때는 '명사 + 나이' 혹은 '명사 + aged + 나이'라고 쓴다. aged를 생략하게 되면 '명사 + 나이 + years of age'로 쓴다.

   A child in the age of seven or eight needs a little push.(*)

   A child of seven or eight needs a little push.

   They have two children in the age of 8 and 12) (*)

   They have two children aged 8 and 12) 

   They have two children 8 and 12 years of age.

사용자 삽입 이미지