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해마쌤 해마나라 엑기스/◑ 해마군's job English

[영어 면접] 이직할때 영어면접 보는 방법! 올바른 대답이 당락을 좌우합니다 ^^

사용자 삽입 이미지

안녕하세요, 해마군입니다. 취업시즌이 슬슬 다가오고 있는데요,
영어면접이 점점 필수화 되고 있는 요즘, 요령을 알아두는 것도 방법이겠죠?
그래서 한가지 소개해 드릴까 해요.

이직을 하는 사람들이 Job Interview 중 피할 수 없는 질문이 하나 있습니다.
“Why did you leave your last job? / Why do you leave your current job?”
매우 평범한 질문이지고, 당연스럽게 물어볼수 밖에 없는 질문같지만,
대답하기 여간 까다로운 게 아닙니다. 거참.. 뭐라 말해야 할지 ^^;;

굉장히 민감한 사항이기도 한 이 질문에 어떻게 대처하는것이 좋을까요?
회사의 입장에서 보면, 신중히 숙고한 끝에 자신의 발전을 위해서
이직을 하는 사람을 원하기 마련입니다.

전 직장에 대해서는 긍정적으로 대답하는 것을 잊지 말도록 하고,
이직의 사유로는 “전 직장에서도 좋았지만,
좀더 큰 도전과 변화를 경험하고 싶어서”라고 대답하여,
자신이 긍정적이고, 미래 지향적임을 충분히 표현토록 해야한답니다 ^^

그럼, 올바른 예문을 한번 보여드릴까요?



Good Answer 1)
I’ve been working in my present job for 3 years as an Assistant Manager.
My continued promotion has been the fastest in the company.
When I first joined the company, a conglomerate,
I had planned to work there for three years and then move on to a smaller company.
I wanted to start off my career with a big company and experience the typical corporate life.
I now feel that I am well equipped to more intensely utilize the experience, knowledge and skills gained.
I feel I can be involved in many more facets of the business in a smaller organization.
I bring to this organization my business connections that I have built up while working for a big multinational brand.

Good Answer 2)
I worked for my last job for 5 years and I was promoted to a managerial position.
It was with a financial services company.
I enjoyed my job there but I felt a strong urge to move into the personnel services of the IT field,
as I have always been interested in the speed of growth of the IT sector.
For this reason I have been up to date with general IT human resource issues.
One thing I’ve noticed was that the personnel changes in the IT field were a lot more frequent than in the financial field.
I believe I would have a lot more opportunities to further develop my skills as an IT personnel expert than in any other field. Basically I wanted something more challenging as a long-term career.

More Questions)
- Why did you quit your job?
- Why are you ready to leave your current job?
- Why are you leaving your present job?
- Why do you want to leave your present job?
- Why do you want to change your job?

사용자 삽입 이미지