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이제 초복을 지나 중복을 향해가고 있는 무더운 날씨네요.
열공을 해야하는 우리의 입장에선 별로 더위가 별로 달갑지는
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오늘 오후에도 비소식이 있던데 우산은 다들 챙기셨는지...
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1. The complexity of their work means that educational psychologists have to undergo a rigorous(WS 129p) professional training.

① high-level ② delicate(WS 313p) ③ harsh(WS 129p)

trifling(WS 125p) ⑤ individual

2. He is very _____________ about the music he picks. He exclusively listens to hip hop and reggae.

① fastidious(WS 386p) capricious(WS 78p) ③ unreasonable

frugal(WS 157p)stingy(WS 220p)

3. Jaws, Steven Spielberg's 1975 film, was a huge commercial success, and it _______________ many copycat flicks.

transported(WS 547p)appreciated(WS 288p)oppressed(WS 548p)

coveted(WS 47p) hatched (수능영단어 초스피드 암기비법)

4. Time is like art - mysterious, _______________ , and precious.

inflammable(WS 59p)imprudent(WS 233p)impenitent(WS 614p ad)

④ inedible(WS 269p) ⑤ intangible(WS 94p)

5. I was vain enough to have ambition of cutting a fine figure in the world.

① getting a handsome child ② becoming a sculptor

③ making big money ④ being preeminent(WS 60p)

⑤ marrying a beautiful woman

6. 다음의 글이 설명하는 단어로 가장 알맞은 것은?

To some fairly frequently, perhaps occasionally to all, they come little flashes of illumination-momentary, glimpses into the nature of the world ~, which come to us when we're off our guard.

impulse(WS 364p) ② lust ③ inspiration(WS 562p)

④ idealism ⑤ ego(WS 706p ad)

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