모의고사 해설강의
안녕하세요. 해마군입니다.
벌써 6월 30일이라니 시간이 정말 빨리 흐르네요.
우리 학생분들 빨리 지나가는 시간을 양 손으로 꾸욱 잡아서 흐르지마!!멈춰줘! 라고 왜 치고 싶은 분들 많이 있으시죠?^^
이제 7월부터는 자신과의 싸움이 시작됩니다. 힘내시길 바랍니다!
자, 그럼 오늘은 이번 2009년 6월 4일 수능 대비 모의평가 어휘 에서 스피드 메모리
"수능영단어 초스피드 암기비법" 이 많은 적중률을 보였는데요.
여러분이 알 기 쉽게 "Top 5 안에 드는 타사 수능 어휘집과의 비교" 를 표로 비교해 보았습니다.
Top 5 안에 드는 타사 수능 어휘집과의 비교 |
어휘서 |
특징 |
어휘 수 |
적중률 |
A사 어휘서 |
어근, 접두어 관련 스테디셀러 |
표제어, 동의어, 반의어 포함 2200여 단어 조사 |
68.90% (298단어 중 92단어 비적중) |
B사 어휘서 |
중요도 순위에 맞춘 스테디셀러 |
표제어 1800단어 |
74.58% (298단어 중 75단어 비적중) |
C사 어휘서 |
어휘추론위주에 어근, 접두어 관련 어휘서 |
총 표제어 1200개 |
31.10% (298단어 중 206단어 비적중) |
그럼, 출제 된 문제에서 스피드메모리가 적중한 단어를 공부해 보도록 하겠습니다. 파란색 어휘는 "수능영단어초스피드암기비법" , 빨간 색은 “수능영단어초스피드암기비법” 이니 참고하세요!
참! 동영상이랑 같이 보면 공부 더 잘되겠죠? 수능 대비 모의고사 해설강의 동영상 강좌 들으면서 열심히 공부하세요!^^
동영상 용량이 너무 커서 웹사이트에 링크시켜 놓았으니 이점 양해해 주세요!
동영상 보러가기
18. 밑줄 친 This가 가리키는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]
This is an old word that translates as “scholar” or “intellectual” in the sense of someone who exhibits all of the most admirable virtues attributed to Confucianism, especially during the Joseon Dynasty. He was presented as the ideal human being who was selfless and disciplined. So, he was held up as a model of morality for all people in the Confucian society. He was also dedicated to the prosperity of the nation in politics and philosophy. In modern Korean society, scholars are still expected to keep the spirit that such a man had. However, in reality, it is very hard to live up to such ideals.
① 선비② 농부③ 장인
④ 상인⑤ 노비
19. 밑줄 친 He[he]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Greg had always loved sports that he could play on his own. When he was 14, ①he went to a camp for skiers. One of the best ways to stay in shape, he was told there, was cycling. At that time, his dad was trying to lose weight, so ②he rode 20 miles every day with his son. Soon Greg got interested in cycling, entered races for 14 and 15-year-olds, and won almost every race. ③He became unbeatable in the
20. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]
Welcome and thank you for joining the dining club. Our club offers a unique dining experience. You will be trying food from all over the world, but more importantly, you will have the chance to experience each country’s dining traditions and customs. In
① 식기 사용 방법을 교육하려고② 음식 맛의 차이를 설명하려고
③ 해외 여행 일정을 공지하려고 ④ 식사 문화 체험 행사를 알리려고
⑤ 문화 체험관 개관식에 초대하려고
21. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The most useful thing I brought out of my childhood was confidence in reading. Not long ago, I went on a weekend self-exploratory workshop, in the hope of getting a clue about how to live. One of the exercises we were given (A)was/were to make a list of the ten most important events of our lives. Number one was: “I was born,” and you could put (B) however/whatever you liked after that. Without even thinking about it, my hand wrote at number two: “I learned to read.” “I was born and learned to read” wouldn’t be a sequence that occurs to many people, I imagine. But I knew what I meant to say. Being born was something (C) done/doing to me, but my own life began when I first made out the meaning of a sentence.
(A) |
(B) |
(C) |
① |
was |
…… |
however |
…… |
done |
② |
was |
…… |
whatever |
…… |
done |
③ |
was |
…… |
whatever |
…… |
doing |
④ |
were |
…… |
however |
…… |
doing |
⑤ |
were |
…… |
however |
…… |
done |
22. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
Gas stations are a good example of an impersonal attitude. At many stations, attendants have even stopped ①pumping gas. Motorists pull up to a gas station where an attendant is ②enclosed in a glass booth with a tray for taking money. The driver must get out of the car, pump the gas, and ③walk over to the booth to pay. And customers with engine trouble or a non-functioning heater are ④usually out of luck. Why? Many gas stations have gotten rid of on-duty mechanics. The skillful mechanic has been replaced by a teenager in a uniform ⑤which doesn’t know anything about cars and couldn’t care less.
23. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Doubtless, the capacity for contact has a determining influence on health. People with greater capacity for contact have a stronger immune system than those less able to establish relationships with others. ①One study directly measured individuals’ sociability in relation to the efficiency of their immune systems. ②Questionnaires and interviews given to 334 people examined their sociability―the quantity and quality of their relationships in everyday life. ③Researchers didn’t know how to obtain a representative sample of the population. ④These people were then exposed to a common cold virus. ⑤It was found that the more sociable a person was, the less subject he was to contagion.
*contagion: 감염
[24~27]다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
24. Magicians are honest deceivers. To investigate the secret used by magicians to fool their audiences, Jastrow worked with two great illusionists. He invited these performers to his laboratory and had them participate in a range of tests measuring their speed of movement and accuracy of finger motion. But Jastrow’s results revealed little out of the ordinary. He demonstrated magic has little to do with fast movements. Instead, magicians use a range of ___________ weapons to fool their audiences. The technique of suggestion, which captures people’s minds, plays a key role in the process. In the same way that people can be made to believe that they once went on a non-existent trip in a hot-air balloon, so magicians have to be able to manipulate people’s perception of performance.
① ethical② political③ physical
④ economic⑤ psychological
25. In traditional societies, high status may have been extremely hard to acquire, but it was also comfortingly hard to lose. It was as difficult to stop being a lord as, more darkly, it was to cease being a servant. What mattered was one’s identity at birth, rather than anything one might achieve in one’s lifetime through the exercise of one’s abilities. The great aspiration of modern societies, however, has been to reverse this equation―to strip away both inherited privilege and inherited under-privilege in order to make rank dependent on individual achievement. Status in the current society rarely depends on ____________________ handed down through the generations.
① immediate insight② learned behavior
③ an unchangeable identity④ available information
⑤ a personal accomplishment
26. I enjoy shopping at FW Whole Foods nearly as much as I enjoy browsing a good bookstore. It’s the inspiring expressions that elevate the food into a more exciting experience, one with artistic, emotional, and even political dimensions. On a recent visit I filled my shopping cart with eggs “from cage-free vegetarian hens,” milk from cows that live “free from unnecessary fear,” and tomatoes from HSR Farm, “one of the early pioneers of the organic movement.” In this regard, shopping at FW Whole Foods is a _______________. Indeed, every time I shop in FW Whole Foods, I think that this is a place where the skills of a literary critic might come in handy―perhaps also a journalist’s.
① boring chore② literary experience
③ traditional custom④ competitive activity
⑤ depressing event
27. Kate and her classmate, Jamie, were the youngest of the winning teams in the Stop Racism National Video Competition in 1998. Their submission depicted children playing at a nursery accompanied by messages such as “Everyone is the same; all these babies are beautiful.” Kate says the point of their video was to show that human beings are not genetically coded with racist attitudes. “_____________________________,” she explains. And she adds, “The children at the nursery don’t say, ‘I am not playing with you since you’re black,’ because they don’t really know about racism.” According to Kate, education begins with the younger generation. And if they grow up experiencing all sorts of cultures, they have less bias. [3점]
① Cultures are very important for winning the competition
② Different skin colors give a bad impression to babies
③ Babies should be taken care of in domestic surroundings
④ Children pick up racist ideas from their surroundings as they grow up
⑤Educational institutes are free from racism due to the government’s efforts
28. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(A) |
(B) |
(C) |
① |
emerging |
…… |
avoid |
…… |
encouraging |
② |
emerging |
…… |
adopt |
…… |
eliminating |
③ |
emerging |
…… |
adopt |
…… |
encouraging |
④ |
declining |
…… |
adopt |
…… |
encouraging |
⑤ |
declining |
…… |
avoid |
…… |
eliminating |
29. 다음 그림에 대한 글의 내용 중, 밑줄 친 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3점]
A screw is a simple mechanical device that multiplies effort. The force that you apply to the screw is called the effort force, whereas the force that applies to the object in response to the effort force is called the output force. The ①spiral ridges are the threads of the screw. The distance from ②head to thread is called the pitch. The diagram shows how turning the head of the screw can cause the screw to ③move into the object. The distance ④around the head of the screw is related to the distance the effort moves. The distance through which the output moves corresponds to the ⑤pitch of the screw.
*ridge: 융기(돌출부분)
30. 다음 글에 드러난 Jonathan의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
“Hey,” Jonathan said, his voice causing two small birds to take flight. The woman did not acknowledge him at all but continued to sketch. Frowning, he said a little louder, “Hey, lady.” Again she did not acknowledge him, and Jonathan began to wonder if she might be deaf. Purposefully, he walked up to the woman with every intention of telling her to leave from his backyard. She did not even look up at him until he was standing within a couple of feet of her. Only then did she look up. For a moment Jonathan was struck by the most amazing green eyes he had ever seen. He opened his mouth, but instead of the sharp order he had intended to bark, he asked quietly, “Who are you?” The woman smiled and he felt as if she lit up the world around her.
① lonely → pleased② indifferent → worried
③ annoyed → fascinated④ frightened → ashamed
⑤ discouraged → confident
31. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
We’re always seeking the next opportunity for something big. If you talk to a cab driver in
(A) |
(B) |
① |
Likewise |
…… |
On the other hand |
② |
Likewise |
…… |
To begin with |
③ |
On the contrary |
…… |
At the same time |
④ |
On the contrary |
…… |
Therefore |
⑤ |
As a result |
…… |
In other words |
[32~33] 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
32. It is around the age of ten or eleven that most children take on music as a real interest. By the age of eighteen or twenty, most people form their tastes for music. We seek out different kinds of music, and the choice of music has important social consequences. We listen to the music that our friends listen to. In search of our identity, we form bonds or social groups with people whom we want to be like. As a way of externalizing the bond, we listen to the same kind of music, and music becomes a mark of personal and group identity and of distinction.
① the relation of music to social identity
② the use of music for emotional therapy
③ the effect of music on intelligence
④ the necessity of music education
⑤ the classification of pop music
33. In recent years, knitting has become increasingly popular with the younger generation. Why are so many young people taking up knitting as a hobby? Knitting is skill-oriented with the chance for them to take on increasingly harder challenges and to get intense satisfaction from accomplishing them. And in today’s world, where teenagers are looking for unique ways to express themselves, handmade clothes and accessories can be a smart, creative way for them to express their individual personalities. Despite what most people believe, many of today’s kids have longer attention spans than we think; and they are passionate about creating not just personal websites, but also attractive, useful knit products that mark their presence in the world.
① 뜨개질과 학습 효과의 연관성
② 청소년의 효과적인 여가 활용 방법
③ 뜨개질을 통한 양성 평등 교육의 효과
④ 컴퓨터를 활용한 뜨개질 교육의 필요성
⑤ 뜨개질이 청소년에게 인기 있는 이유
34. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Sometimes you work as hard as you can on something, and it doesn’t work out. I usually persist longer than most people would in a similar situation―which is why I often succeed where others have failed. I also know that sometimes you have to throw in the towel. I remember one project I spent weeks working on at my architecture firm. I spent many late nights trying to perfect my design, but it just wasn’t coming together. I finally realized that I had to start over from scratch. Maybe you have failed in similar situations, but you probably learned something valuable. Add it up to experience, don’t take it personally, and go find your next challenge!
① 할 일에 대한 사전 분석을 철저히 하라.
② 실패하더라도 좌절하지 말고 다시 시작하라.
③ 난관에 부딪쳤을 때 타인의 조언을 받아들여라.
④ 거절해야 할 때는 그 이유를 명확히 밝혀라.
⑤ 사소한 일이라도 완벽을 추구하라.
35. 유전자 변형 작물(transgenic crop)의 이점에 대한 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 문장은?
The above chart shows the economic advantage of transgenic cotton farming over conventional farming in four countries in 2003. ①In all the countries, the seed cost for the transgenic crop was higher than that for the conventional one. However, lower pesticide costs, higher yields, and higher revenues made the transgenic crop more profitable. ②The profit ratio varied from country to country. ③In
*pesticide: 살충제 **revenue: 총수익
36. “Primitive people”의 언어에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
Some people think the languages of so-called primitive peoples are so simple that they have limited vocabularies of only a few hundred words. This is not the case. Like other languages, these languages usually have only as many words as the people need to express themselves. They may lack the scientific and technical words of the more “civilized” languages, such as English. But their words for tools, animals, plants, and other everyday things run into the thousands. Dictionaries written for the Navaho Indians, for example, list 11,000 Navaho words; for the African Zulus, 17,000; for the Dakota Indians, 19,000; for the Maya Indians of Mexico and
① 자기 표현에 필요한 어휘가 부족하다.
② 과학과 기술 관련 어휘가 영어 못지않게 풍부하다.
③ 도구, 동식물, 일상과 관련된 어휘 수가 수천에 달한다.
④ 어휘 사전이 존재하지 않는다.
⑤ 마야 인디언의 어휘 수가 가장 적다.
37. Jorge Luis Borges에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Jorge Luis Borges, the most influential short-story writer in Latin America, was born in
① 부유하지는 않았지만 명망이 있는 가문에서 태어났다.
② 9세까지 집에서 영국인 개인 교사에게 교육받았다.
③ 1921년부터 자신의 작품을 세상에 발표하기 시작했다.
④ 가족 부양 때문에 보조 사서로 일한 경험이 있다.
⑤ 대부분의 장편 소설은 국제적인 명성을 얻었다.
[38~39] 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
38. The high level of euro-skepticism in
① 유럽연합 가입으로 그리스 경제가 활성화되었다.
② 그리스의 복잡한 시장 구조는 오랜 전통을 가지고 있다.
③ 그리스의 물가 상승은 유로화 도입보다는 시장 왜곡 때문이다.
④ 물가 안정을 위해 유럽국가의 새로운 경제 협의체가 필요하다.
⑤ 그리스 화폐의 사용이 국가 경제를 안정시키고 있다.
39. Most people believe that intelligence plays the key role in children’s academic achievement. A recent study, however, found that the ability to self-regulate―to pay attention to a task and control impulsive behavior―was more important than intelligence for early academic success. Clancy Blair, who led the study, said that children need to be provided with self-regulating activities to decrease impulsiveness and instant satisfaction and to promote attention and awareness of their own and other’s thoughts and feelings. Parents are advised to engage their children in activities that involve taking turns, paying attention for sustained periods, and giving incentives for thoughtful responses.
*impulsive: 충동적인
① 아동 교육에는 즉각적 통제와 보상이 중요하다.
② 장애 아동을 위한 특별한 학습 활동이 개발되어야 한다.
③ 아동의 학업 성취를 위해 자기 조절 능력 향상 활동이 필요하다.
④ 아동의 학습 능력 향상을 위한 학부모 교육프로그램이 절실하다.
⑤ 지능은 아동의 초기 학습 능력에 핵심적 요소이다.
40. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
However, that was too much for the young system to absorb, and the computer crashed, killing the connection after all. |
In 1969, Charley Kline was working as a programmer at UCLA and participating in a project at Stanford University.(①)He was asked to arrange the first computer-to-computer message through an ordinary telephone line.(②)After successfully connecting the two computers, Kline began to type login.(③)He typed l and got the echo from Stanford confirming that the letter had been received.(④)He proceeded with o and again received the appropriate echo. Then he ventured to g.(⑤)The connection was quickly reestablished, and after the UCLA and Stanford nodes were firmly in place, many others joined in.
*node: 통신지점
[41~42] 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
41. We offer lengthy scientific explanations as answers to children’s questions, when a direct experience of something similar or an image that can live and work in their imagination would be much more satisfying to them. Rational explanations are like giving a hungry child stones instead of bread. A well-known early childhood educator points out that when young children ask questions like “Why does the sun shine?”, they are really asking about purpose rather than mechanics. They are much more nourished by an answer like “To keep us warm and to make the grass and the flowers grow” than a lecture on the relationship between heat and other forms of energy.
① How Children’s Questioning Affects Parents
② What Makes Children Polite
③ What Makes You Feel like a Child
④ How to Ask Children Questions
⑤ How to Appropriately Answer Children’s Questions
42. The air just above a glass contains molecules that are layered like a cake. At the top are the lightest scents of flowers, then the fruity ones, then the mineral and earthy smells; and finally, at the bottom the heaviest scent elements, wood and alcohol. A good glass does not allow these elements to be mixed up in a disorderly way. Golf-ball-size cups are just too small to concentrate the wine’s scents. They are like seats too close to the orchestra: all you hear are isolated sounds from the instruments, rather than the harmony that comes together farther back. The glass doesn’t change the wine itself, but rather the way we smell and taste it. Some glasses are like loudspeakers: their shape and volume increase a wine’s natural qualities.
① Various Flavors of Wine
② The Right Glass for Wine
③ Tips for Buying Good Wine
④ The Effect of Wine on Health
⑤ Glasses as a Musical Instrument
43. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
The wail of farm machinery had fallen silent, and in the space it left I could hear the low gossip of hens, the lower throat singing of turkeys, and the varied sounds of birds in the trees. Up on the green, green shoulder of hill rising to the west I could see a small group of cattle grazing, and, below them on a gentler slope, several dozen chickens wandering down to the meadow. Laid before me was, I realized, a scene of almost classical rural beauty―the meadows dotted with contented animals, the woods in the background, a twisting stream threading through it all―spoiled only by the fact that I couldn’t just lie here on this springy meadow admiring it for the rest of the afternoon.
① busy and noisy② urgent and thrilling
③ festive and joyful④ gloomy and miserable
⑤ pastoral and peaceful
44. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
One of the most painful signs of the lack of readiness for the tsunami in the |
(A)After the 19th century disaster, experts called for a tsunami warning system in the
(B)If such a system had been up and running in the
(C)Those ill-fated children had no idea what the sea’s strange retreat meant. No one knew because nothing like that had happened in living memory except for the 1883 tsunami disaster in the
① (A)-(C)-(B)② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A)④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
45. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Charles Wilson was asked how his experience as president of a large company could apply to the presidents of small companies. |
'해마쌤 해마나라 엑기스 > ◑ 해마군's 수능 English' 카테고리의 다른 글
하루에 하나씩!오늘의 영단어-nourish (0) | 2008.07.11 |
하루에 하나씩! 오늘의 영단어!afford (0) | 2008.07.09 |
하루에 하나씩! 오늘의 영단어!tolerate (0) | 2008.06.03 |
[2009학년도 수능 정보] 2009학년도 대학입학 전형 일정 (0) | 2008.06.02 |
하루에 하나씩! 오늘의 영단어!associate (0) | 2008.06.02 |